Ulrich Meurer


A U D I O : Lecture Course Scriptura Cinematographica [Typewriter - Woma/en - Cinema], University of Vienna (in German)


V I D E O : Image/Theory: Teaser for a course in visual & image studies / CEU Vienna, since 2021


V I D E O : Icono/Graphy: Teaser for a course in inter/media studies / CEU Vienna, since 2018


  • The "People: Ideas and Images (Study Program 'Culture, Politics, & Society', Central European University CEU, Vienna, since 2023)
  • Introduction to Cultural Studies (Study Program 'Culture, Politics, & Society', Central European University CEU, Vienna, since 2023)
  • Image/Theory (Study Program 'Culture, Politics, & Society', Central European University CEU, Vienna, since 2021)
  • Worlds of Our Making: Representations and Interpretations (Study Program 'Culture, Politics, & Society', Central European University CEU, Vienna, since 2020)
  • Nachstellung: Rekonstruktionen von Politik (Reenactment: Reconstructions of the Political / Media and Cultural Studies, University of Düsseldorf, 2020)
  • Unsichtbares ablichten: Randgänge der Photographie (Recording the Invisible: Margins of Photography / Media and Cultural Studies, University of Düsseldorf, 2020)
  • Totale – Panoptik – Plansequenz: Ästhetiken filmischer Allsicht (Panorama - Panopticism - Establishing Shot: Cinema and the Overall View / Media and Cultural Studies, University of Düsseldorf, 2020)
  • Images: Knowledge, History, Politics (Visual Studies Platform, Central European University CEU, Vienna, since 2019)
  • Demos: Filmgeschichte des Volkes (A Film History of the 'People' / Media and Cultural Studies, University of Düsseldorf, 2019)
  • Icono/Graphy: Interactions of Image and Text (Visual Studies Platform, Central European University CEU, Budapest & Vienna, since 2017)
  • Das Spektrale (Spectrality / University of Vienna, 2017)
  • Kurze Reisen ins Land des Volkes - Imaginationen des Kinos (Short Voyages to the Land of the People - Cinematic Imaginations / University of Vienna, 2016)
  • O Say Can You See! Medial Imaginations of US-American Community (University of Bochum, 2016)
  • Ψikones: Freud/Bild/Medien (Ψicons: Freud/Image/Media / University of Bochum, 2016)
  • Mob, Gemeinschaft, Ornament: Bildpolitiken des Films (Mob, Collective, Ornament: Politics of the Film Image / University of Bochum, 2016)
  • Grammar and Politics: D.W. Griffith (University of Vienna, 2014)
  • Traces and Ghosts: Jacques Derrida and the Media (University of Vienna, 2014)
  • Pré-cinéma: Cinema Without Film 1 (University of Vienna, 2013)
  • Sammlung/Verteilung: Konstruktionen der Masse im Kino (Assemblage/Dispersal: The Crowd in the Movies / University of Vienna, 2012)
  • Shooting Red Grass: Bildmediale Re/Konstruktionen des amerikanischen Bürgerkriegs (Media Re/Constructions of the American Civil War / University of Vienna, 2012)
  • Die Bilder neu erfinden: Filmavantgarden (Inventing New Images: Avant-garde in Cinema / University of Vienna, 2012)
  • Theorie und Praxis der Medienwissenschaft (Theory and Practice of Media Studies / University of Vienna, 2011)
  • Patchworks: Freundschaft als Konzept amerikanischer Bildpolitik (Patchworks: The Politics of Friendship and US-American Visual Culture / University of Vienna, 2010)
  • Aktuelle Forschungsansätze in den Medien- und Filmwissenschaften (Current Research Topics in Media and Film Studies / University of Vienna, 2010)
  • Das Erhabene – eine transmediale Kategorie (The Sublime – A Transmedia Category / University of Vienna, 2009)
  • Neue Menschen/Bilder – Innovationskonzepte in der Filmregie (New Man/New Image - Innovative Concepts of Film Directing in the 20th Century / University of Vienna, 2009)
  • Was ist Film? Geschichte eines Mediums (What Is Film? The History of a Medium / University of Vienna, 2009)
  • Neue Theorie (New Theory / University of Leipzig; Master Studies Program, 2008)
  • Translation als philosophische und mediale Strategie (Translation as a Strategy in Philosophy and the Media / University of Leipzig; Master Studies Program, 2008)
  • Des Langen und Breiten: Geographie in Literatur und Film (Longitudes and Latitudes: Geography in Literature, Film, and the Media / University of Leipzig; Master Studies Program, 2008)
  • hic sunt monstra – Figurationen des Anderen von Homer bis Tod Browning (hic sunt monstra – Literary and Media Figurations of the Other / University of Leipzig, 2008)
  • Text, Bild und Geschichte. Von Herodot zum Historienfilm (Images of History: From Herodotus to Period Pictures / University of Leipzig; Master Studies Program, 2007)
  • Gilles Deleuze – Lektüren und Ansichten (Gilles Deleuze: Readings and Images / University of Leipzig, 2007)
  • Ästhetik, Epoche, Diskurs: die Postmoderne (Form, Epoch, Discourse: On Postmodernism / University of Leipzig, 2007)
  • Theorie und (Medien-)Geschichte der Übersetzung (Theory and History of Media Translations / University of Leipzig, 2006)
  • Nach Poe: Detektiverzählung, Kriminalroman und ihre Verfilmungen (After Poe: Detective Novels and Their Screen Adaptations, Universität Leipzig, 2006)
  • Aber das Reden ist wie das Rennen ... Geschwindigkeit in Schrift und Bildmedien ('Talking, however, is like running ...' The Velocity of Words and Images / University of Munich, 2006)


  • Bild-Komplexe. Die Medien um Freud (Complex Images: Sigmund Freud and the Media / University of Vienna, 2012)
  • Wort/Bild: Geschichte und Theorie (Word and Image: Historical and Theoretical Approaches / University of Vienna, 2011)
  • Scriptura cinematographica: Schrift und Leinwand (Scriptura cinematographica. Writing on Screen / University of Vienna, 2010)
  • Lücke Lehre Nichts. Intermediale Historien des Undarstellbaren (Gaps Blanks Nonentities – A Film History of the Un-Representable / University of Vienna, winter semester 2009)
  • Mythos im Kino – Die Odyssee als Matrix der Filmgeschichte (Myth in the Movies – The Odyssey as a Matrix of Film History / University of Vienna, summer semester 2009)
  • Ausdruck und Kunstrukt: Schauspieltheorie und -praxis in platonischer Perspective (Expression - Construction: Acting Theory and Practice in a Platonic Perspective / University of Vienna, 2009)


Fall semester 2004, 2005, and 2006: organization of lecture series with scholars from various international universities:
  • Film und Übersetzung. (Film and Translation / University of Munich, 2006, funded by the Doctoral Studies Program in Literary Studies ProLit)
  • Auswanderung und Exil im internationalen Kino (Migration and Exile in International Cinema / University of Munich, 2005, funded by the BR Bayerischer Rundfunk / Bavarian Broadcasting Servive)
  • Mythos - Stereotyp - Ikone: Griechische Frauenbilder im Film (Myth, Stereotype, Icon: Images of Greek Women in Cinema / University of Munich, 2004, funded by the University's Office of Women's Representative)